My Website

About Me

I am
Sudhanshu Mishra

I am a 5th year Dual Degree ( student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. I love maths and physics, especially anything with a Differential Equation.

Open World Classification

Research Project on Open World Classification using Adversarial Auto-encoders at ISI Kolkata under Prof. Nikhil R. Pal.

RL based Falsification

Cyber-Physical Systems (CS659) course project on Reinforcement Learning Based Falsification of an Automatic Transmission System modelled in Simulink.

Non-Linear Vibrations

Codes for the course (ME627) studying various non-linear systems and their properties.

Machining Dynamics

Simulations for various Machining Dynamics scenarios, as part of the course ME668.

TRAC 2020

Multilingual Joint Fine-tuning of Transformer models for identifying Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying at TRAC 2020